Agenda 2025

  • What does "maturity" look like in maritime digital technology implementations - and are we getting there?

  • What are the most interesting new technology developments - LEO satellites, web based software, managing shipboard software remotely

  • What are the best ways to use digital technology to better manage vessel performance / decarbonisation?

  • What are the biggest cybersecurity threats to shipping today, and how is the threat picture changing?

08:15 Registration and welcome coffee


09:10 - Digital Ship introduction

Karl Jeffery, Founding Editor, Digital Ship

09:15 - Opening talk

Alena K Pedersen, VP Corporate IT and Digitalisation, Odfjell

Bio: Alena Pedersen is heading corporate IT and digitalization at Odfjell SE to enable safe, sustainable and efficient deep-sea shipping and terminals. Prior she worked at Equinor/Statoil, latest as Head of  the Corporate Improvement Centre. Alena has extended experience with leading transformation of supply chain business, including Offshore logistics: maritime-, air- and supply base operations.

09:30 - Tore Lybekk, Head of IT, Torvald Klaveness

09:45 - 10:15 Panel discussion - Maturity in managing digital technology in today’s shipping operations


Alena K Pedersen, VP Corporate IT and Digitalisation, Odfjell


Tore Lybekk, Head of IT, Torvald Klaveness

Are Andersen, Maritime ICT Manager, Westfal-Larsen Management AS

Bio: Are has 27 years of experience from IT in the maritime industry, 20 years from management level.

Are is enjoying the close cooperation with all Westfal-Larsen’s maritime business unites to ensure delivery of modern and cost-effective IT and communications services both onboard and ashore.

Paal Lohne, VP Digital, Grieg Star AS

10:15 - Eutelsat

10:35 - 11:05 Coffee break and networking


11:05 - Digitalisation project highlights

Are Andersen, Maritime ICT Manager, Westfal-Larsen Management AS

11:20 - Paal Lohne, VP Digital, Grieg Star AS

11:35 - Star Information Systems

11:55 - Zededa

12:15 - ShipIn

12:35 - 13:20 Panel discussion - The most interesting developments in digital technology


Nakul Malhotra, Vice President, Wilhelmsen




Fabian Fussek, Co-Founder & CEO, Kaiko Systems

Bio: Fabian Fussek is the Co-Founder & CEO of Kaiko Systems, an AI-powered frontline intelligence provider for maritime. Since founding the company in October 2020, he has been driving innovation to make the industry safer, smarter, and more collaborative.By enabling shipping companies to turn frontline work into actionable intelligence, Kaiko Systems helps operators enhance safety, streamline compliance, and optimize maintenance. Today, the platform is used by thousands of seafarers on over 1,000 vessels worldwide, preventing costly failures and regulatory penalties.

13:20 - 14:20 Lunch and networking


14:20-14:50 Panel discussion - Decarbonisation




Henning Rebnord, Principal Engineer, Grieg Star AS

Aristos Philis, Director & Deputy CEO, Lemissoler Navigation Co. Ltd

14:50 - Installing and using vessel performance monitoring sensors

Erik van Ballegooijen, Director R&D, VAF Instruments

Bio: Erik van Ballegooijen, Director R&D of VAF Instruments, is responsible for VAF solution, sensor and software development, and for providing customer consultancy on ship propulsion performance. Latest development project is the VAF high frequent data collection solution IVY, covering the ships propulsion performance. Van Ballegooijen holds 2 Master degrees in Engineering. After graduation he worked at Wärtsilä Propulsion, started as a ship propeller designer (hydrodynamicist), and later headed several operational engineering, project management and R&D departments. Since 2015 he is the Director R&D of VAF Instruments and part of the VAF management team.

Talk overview

  • Sensors relating to vessel performance monitoring – fuel, thrust, power, wind, speed, emissions

  • How to make the choice of sensors to install onboard – various level of monitoring detail

  • Benefits of high frequency data collection

  • The best ways to collect sensor data and send to cloud services

  • How shipboard sensor data can be used, including directly for onboard diagnostics or at the office

15:10 - Aristos Philis, Director & Deputy CEO, Lemissoler Navigation Co. Ltd


15:25 - Fredrik Pihl, Manager Cybersecurity, Risk and Compliance, OT Security Officer, Stena Group IT

15:40 - Øyvind Berget, Chief Technology Officer, Nordic Maritime Cyber Resilience Centre (NORMA Cyber)

Bio: Øyvind has more than a decade in the Norwegian Armed Forces working with data analytics and information security. Before joining NORMA Cyber, Øyvind worked at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for three years where he led projects involving digitalisation and AI. At NORMA Cyber, the role of CTO has been to use new technology for cyber security.


15:55 - Perspectives into alleged hack into 110 Iranian tankers

Georgios Mantzouris, Ulysses (former CEO of the Hellenic Space Agency)

16:10 - 16:40 Panel discussion - The biggest cybersecurity threats and the best practises in managing them


Lars Benjamin Vold, Managing Director, Nordic Maritime Cyber Resilience Centre (NORMA Cyber)

Bio: Lars serves as the Managing Director of the Nordic Maritime Cyber Resilience Centre (NORMA Cyber), and he was also the project lead during the establishment phase of the centre. Lars has 10 years' experience with the Norwegian Armed Forces most of which he spent in the Special Forces branch. He has a BsC in Finance and several years of experience working with security and contingency preparedness, digital development and cyber security.


Fredrik Pihl, Manager Cybersecurity, Risk and Compliance, OT Security Officer, Stena Group IT

Georgios Mantzouris, Ulysses (former CEO of the Hellenic Space Agency)

16:40 - End of conference